Amy Tans writing style

             Amy Tan's writing style is about the Chinese-American culture integrated with life stories. She gives the reader an opportunity to gain knowledge about the way of life her family, friends, and even herself have had. Tan's main purpose of writing is to educate people about growing up as a minority.
             In her stories, "Tan is handing us the key with no price tag and letting us open the brass-bolted door." (Gillespie.365). The focus of "Rules of the Game" was on the culture of the Chinese-Americans but it was weaved into a story to catch the reader's attention. She introduces the readers to the way of like of the Chinese-Americans, "it's like being invited into a dusty room full of castoffs, and being given a chance to re-apprehend them in their former richness" (Gillespie.365).
             Tan wrote about her experiences, her relative's experiences, and fellow Chinese-Americans living in America. In the story "Rules of the Game" Tan included experiences she had known from her life. In all of Tan's stories and novels "Tan wrote about what she had seen herself and what she hadn't- her own experience and her mother's" (Fitzgerald.367) including in the short story "Rules of the Game". In "Rules of the Game", she uses her experiences about learning to play chess as the theme of the story. Tan's stories give a "lucidity of vision" (Chang.363), so you are able to imagine exactly what is going on. The entire idea of chess comes into play when Waverly's older brothers get an old, used chessboard with missing pieces from a church Christmas bazaar, while all that Waverly got was a book with twelve packs of Lifesavers. Even though her gift wasn't much, she was still grateful and talked her brothers into letting her play by giving them Lifesavers as substitutes for the missing pie

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Amy Tans writing style. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 00:55, July 27, 2024, from