A Very Old Man With Enormous Wings

             Sometimes it takes a different perspective for someone to see the reality of how things are handled, and Marquez's insights into the way "Mainstream Religion" has dragged God and Christianity through the mud to the point of non-recognition. This is illustrated by Pelayo and Elisenda's not even seeing the wings in the beginning. My end goal here is to bring out this wonderful story's points and compare them to mainstream religion's fallacies.
             The description of the weather when the Angel is found very vividly paints a picture of the mood in Pelayo's house that day. "The world had been sad since Tuesday." Is the text, while Elisenda had been nursing a sick child that they feared might die. The sea and sky had come together in a foreboding leaden gray that squeezed all hope from anyone subjected to it. The sea itself, seen as a life giving, sustenance providing entity, has risen up to threaten a helpless child to Elisenda. The crabs that provided food and retail value, are now a cause for the child's sickness. The neighbor woman even says the Angel must have been coming for the child. This shows how the thought processes were turning in reverse. Most of our mainstream churches seem to have their thought processes in reverse also. We are of the "Janet Jackson" school of theology; "What have You done for me Lately?" This is not how the Bible teaches us to behave, but to serve God and one another in love, with understanding, knowing that we too were once the enemy of God, but through grace and love, adopted into His family. How can we condemn others and receive the love we are denying them.
             Marquez chooses his character very carefully. God the omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent being, cannot be portrayed as having been affected by the world without some feeling of blasphemy. An Angel on the other hand can be very old and still not carry the same connotation. This Angel projects the image...

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A Very Old Man With Enormous Wings. (1969, December 31). In MegaEssays.com. Retrieved 08:27, May 30, 2024, from https://www.megaessays.com/viewpaper/52433.html