Modernistic Aspects in Kiplings A Wayside Comedy

             Rudyard Kipling was born on December 30, 1865, in Bombay, India. He was sent to England to go to school and returned to India in 1882. He worked as a journalist in Lahore for the Civil and Military Gazette. He also worked on Pioneer in Allahabad later ( Kipling returned to England in 1889 and met his wife, Carrie Balestier. They moved to the United States in the mid-1890s where he wrote many of his poems. They returned to England in 1896 ( Kipling began to be regarded as 'the People's Laureate,? but he refused most of the honors offered to him, including knighthood, Poet Laureateship, and the Order of Merit ( He did accept, however, the 1907 Nobel prize for literature (poetryloverspage).
             Rudyard Kipling wrote many short stories and poems. One that is interesting isA Wayside Comedy.? Kipling's short storyA Wayside Comedy? has several modernistic aspects. It has no definitive ending, a straightforward sequential plot, allusion, and complex symbolism.
             ?A Wayside Comedy? has no definite ending because no one dies, gets married, or is exiled. Life in Kashima goes on as it normally would if the fact that Kurrell was sleeping with both Mrs. Boulte and Mrs. Vansuythen had not come out. Only Major Vansuythen did not know, and he was never told for his own protection. People's feeling for each other changed when this secret came out, but since they were the only English in the town, they still had tea together, went hunting together, and sat together. Mr. Boulte even stated to Kurrell thatWe must let the old life go on? (Jarrell, 15).
             ?A Wayside Comedy? has a straightforward sequential plot in that the story progresses logically from one point to the next. The story begins with the arrival of the Vansuythens and their welcome to Kashima. Then it moves on to the Rains that come to India and what happens during those rains. Mrs. Boulte begins to suspect that Kurrell, w...

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Modernistic Aspects in Kiplings A Wayside Comedy. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 16:29, June 02, 2024, from