Sense and Sensibility Research Paper

             Having a strong heart like Elinor and a latent sense similar to Marianne, Jane Austen displayed her characteristics through her characters. Elinor and Marianne were two main characters that Jane Austen used to display her true character. Elinor is very devoted to her family and tries to do everything she can to support them. Every now and then, when the family is in need of advice, they would all look to Elinor. Marianne was the younger daughter in the family of three sisters and she is always caught up in romantic poetry. At one time in the novel, Marianne went through a catastrophe because the love of her life had left her. Marianne tries to hide her fear to avoid all her distress. (Austen 288) Both of the character's lifestyle reflected that of Jane Austens'. In the writing of the novel Sense and Sensibility, Austen wrote the novel according to her own passionate feelings. People began to notice her writings towards the end of her life. Jane Austen's lifestyle and characteristics were revealed through her characters Marianne and Elinor in her novel Sense and Sensibility.
             Jane Austen began writing novels when she was in her early twenties, she was a very intellectual women. She enjoyed reading many books in her life that gave her an advantage in writing great novels. When Austen wrote the novel Sense and Sensibility, much of her characteristics were seen through the novel. "Jane Austen is thus a mistress of much deeper emotion than appears upon the surface. She stimulates us to supply what is not there." (Woolf 19) After Willouby's sudden break up with Marianne, many deep vivid emotions are shown to the reader. Austen lived in a society where women mostly worked on farms. Agriculture was the largest employment for women. (Weldon 36) While other women were out working on the fields, Austen would be at home diligently thinking about more ideas for her novels. Later as the years passed...

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Sense and Sensibility Research Paper. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 18:53, June 02, 2024, from