Equal on all sides: black panthers in america

             In this nation there are no in-betweens. It's been made clear that if you don't take the pro-American stance you automatically "ride with bin laden." (Maher) The same holds true for everything else in America. You are a demoncrat or a republican, consumer or revolutionary, racist or non-racist. The United States only sees things in black and white, and unfortunately, it is the white man who reaps the benefits and even then there are stipulations. Equality only applies to those who can afford it. The US constitution was founded on hypocrisy. The founding fathers cared nothing for the freedom of all people. They cared only for the freedom of the wealthy white male to become an even wealthier white male. An argument has been made that these attitudes are changed, that it is part of history that should be let go; however there is proof that these attitudes have not changed. There are racist terrorist organizations afloat in this country, and there are racists attitudes everywhere you turn your back.
             Racism is alive and kicking. Infect, it has never died at all, it has just been cleverly covered up and white washed with political correctness. People began to discover that words hurt people, and that it wasn't nice to call people names because of the color of their skin, sex, religion, physical abbilities, etc. They did not fully confront the problem, they just found a sugar coated way of expressing the same racist attitude without changing the underlying factors. All the stereotypes that were started in the 1800's are still around, and have been expanded. Abbie Hoffman, civil rights activist and yippie organizer made the argument quite clear that this was still a regular occurrence where no progress had been made. Hoffman was not afraid to tell America what it didn't want to hear. Most whites are still terrified of blacks, from a young child to a business man to an elderly woman. All ...

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Equal on all sides: black panthers in america. (1969, December 31). In MegaEssays.com. Retrieved 07:20, May 20, 2024, from https://www.megaessays.com/viewpaper/5533.html