Worl war 1

             World War I
             World War I The Causes of the War OK, in a nutshell, World War I's cause went as far back as the early 1800s. People controlled by other nations began to evolve people's feelings of nationalism. The French Revolution of 1789 brought a new feeling to the word Nationalism. People who spoke French, German, Italian, ext. felt that they should have a separate government in a country where everyone spoke the same language. Unfortunately, we can't please everyone and this demand they had was something impossible that could be done. As time passed people began to establish war cults or military alliances. The members from these groups would discriminate and verbally abuse the people, which didn't speak their language. Warmongers criticized at foreign ways of doing things. Sometimes newspaper stories help spread publicity. Some German leaders strongly urged commercial & political expansion to the east, mostly in Asia. II- Military Alliances Military alliances were another of the many causes of World War I. When the German Empire was united in 1871, Chancellor Otto Von Bismarck hoped for a period of international peace. He looked for allies to support Germany. It was then that in 1882 Germany, Austria-Hungary & Italy signed a treaty called, " The Triple Alliance." The treaty was made to protect them from attacks from France or Russia. Germany & Italy feared France & Austria-Hungary feared Russia. The three members of the alliance formed a powerful block in central Europe. Unfortunately, Austria-Hungary & Italy were not very friendly. They argued mostly over land and/or territory that Italy thought they should have. So, both countries competed to see who would take control of the Adriatic Sea first. When the war broke out in 1914, Italy didn't keep their word about the contract they had agreed to in the treaty. It turns out they had made a secret treaty with France in 1902. As a result of t...

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