What is really out there

             Do you ever wonder if there is life on other planets? I'm referring to little green bodies walking around with six eyes, two heads, and drool escalating from their mouths. As a child I use to lye in bed and imagine things like this. I would daydream of a whole different world, of unknown language, habits, and lifestyles. Others may not have experienced these daydream excursions; however, this is why the argument of extraterrestrial life has puzzled my imagination.
             Since mankind has been on earth, there have been recordings of strange and supernatural occurrences. These occurrences have been said to be anything from strange flashes of light to disappearances, unidentified objects in the sky, or even a mysterious radio signal. The point is that many people strongly believe that we are not alone in this universe, that someone or something is attempting to contact us. On the other hand, many people believe that we are alone, and that these so called "strange phenomenons" are only figments of imagination, or something made up to receive attention or publicity.
             Dr. Geoffrey W. Marcy and Dr. Paul Butler, astronomers at San Francisco State University, reported the detection of two planets orbiting Sun-like stars. These stars can be seen with the naked eye from Earth. The temperatures of these two planets, which are considerably larger than Jupiter, appear to be warm enough for water to appear in liquid form. This indicates that extraterrestrial life may exist. This discovery leads scientists to believe that the likelihood of planets supporting life is far higher than originally thought. "We are truly in the dawn of a new era in astronomy," says Dr. Alan P. Boss, a theoretical astronomer at the Carnegie Institute in Washington. "We will be finding many more planets in the next decade"(Wilford, p.1).
             In addition, some Americans have speculated that life may have e

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What is really out there . (1969, December 31). In MegaEssays.com. Retrieved 03:20, May 20, 2024, from https://www.megaessays.com/viewpaper/59245.html