China's Culture

             Throughout China's encased history it has developed much differently than western parts of the
             world. Chinese culture varies greatly compared to ours. These great differences between eastern
             culture and western culture make China a very interesting place. Some of the vast differences
             include literature, social structure, and government. The greatest difference is Chinese
             philosophy and way of thinking. China has developed a strict system of tradition that has given
             China great advantages and disadvantages. This is shown in Chinese literature. Tradition in
             China is a set of unwritten laws. This is why China turned its eyes from the outside world and
             looked in. China found everything it needed in Tradition. The strong traditions and customs play
             probably the greatest factor in the life of a Chinese person. This strict philosophy influences
             marriage, children, family, and duty in life. Marriage is much different and has different levels of
             companionship. One man may have many wives and or concubines. The status of these wives
             and concubines are very important. The lower you are on the husband's list the lower you were
             treated. When in a marriage if you were having children a son would be most desirable for you to
             have. You would be thought better of if you produced a son. This shows the male dominance in
             Chinese culture. Once a son was born the expectations for him were great. He was supposed to
             learn all great literature and be very scholarly. A girl also was supposed to be raised to appreciate
             art and literature. Most of all, children were supposed to respect tradition. The traditions gave
             one a feeling of not the individual but the whole as a group. People grew up knowing their part in
             the world and strive to do that well. They learn to acknowledge their emperor as the "Son of
             Heaven". Everything someone does, is done for their country, and their duty in life. Chinese

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China's Culture . (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 17:22, June 02, 2024, from