The Grapes of Wrath

             Religion has had the most important role in the development of our nation. It has shaped the economic and social growth of the U.S. From the time of its "discovery" by Columbus, straight through the Great Awakening our country has been firmly planted on a rock of religion that is practically immovable. Religion has been the main determining factor in decisions made on topics such as, race, economy, human rights, government, and land distribution. Although religion has been with our country for many years, it is not until in recent centuries that it has been "in" our people. From the very beginning people have used religion for them, living with illusion that God gave it to them to utilize for their own needs. It is only recently that they have come to realize that it is indeed a gift from God for them to manifest within themselves and make the best out of.
             Race is an idea of separation that has been created within the society. Segregation has always been around, but not on the scale of separation because of ethnicity or nationality. Separation before race was one of white European vs. the rest of the world. Religion is tied into the whole idea of separation, by them using having Christianity, as a way to distinguish whom is savage from who isn't. Racism began in the U.S as a way to bring together a minority against the majority. In order to keep the majority from rebelling, you have to have a united control. The rich whites did this by telling the poor whites that they were better than the black slaves because they were white, European and Christian. The blacks then became savages in the eyes of the colonists because, they had to be evil if they were not Christian. Overall, race has, in the U.S, been a collaboration by rich whites, to get the poor whites to be on their side.
             Many people came to North America to start their own religion. After being subjugated by the Catholic Church for so long, they soug...

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The Grapes of Wrath . (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 19:16, June 02, 2024, from