breast cancer

             Breast cancer is the most frequently diagnosed form of the disease among women in Canada.
             It is estimated that 19,2000 women will learn this year that they have breast cancer and 5,500
             The fact stated above is a very serious issue and women need to face the facts. As scary as
             breast cancer may be, facts like these open the eyes of women all over Canada and make us see
             that it is not an issue to ignore. Sad as it may be, breast cancer is a very common type of cancer
             among women. Any female above the age of 16 or that is sexually active, should start doing
             monthly self exams and mammographies. Though the results of these test may not always be
             accurate, these tests will help to reduce the amount of deaths per year due to breast cancer.
             The reason that breast cancer is such an important issue to current events is because it forces
             us to see what it is all about. By reading articles about the disease adds curiosity, and makes us
             want to learn more about it. When we are reading articles and learning about breast cancer, we
             can identify with the things for which we should be looking. We become more cautious with our
             everyday routines and aware of the results of our actions. An example of this would be the birth
             control pill. Doctors know now that estrogen causes breast cancer and there are high amounts of
             estrogen in the pill. Knowing what doctors know now, we may think twice about taking things
             like the pill. Breast cancer is something that is very scary and we would prefer that is was not a
             current issue. Sad but true, this is not so. Reading articles in the paper will help us to grow with
             the advancements in breast cancer, and become more aware of the things that will put and end to
             * talk about some of the facts of breast cancer.

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breast cancer . (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 12:05, May 08, 2024, from