Ho Chi Minh is a man that will always remain in the memories of his generation, our generation, and generations ahead. He is one of those enigmatic figures that no matter ho much we know, it wont be enough. Ho has become one of the most famed communist revoulutionaries in history. He will forever be remembered in the book including the likes of Lenin, Marx, Stalin, and Mao. But though he is remembered sometimes as similar to these men, he is quite different from any of them. Hos vision was independence from colonial rule and tyranny in general. And on September 2nd, 1945, he got it. But it took him half a decade, dozens of pseudonyms and a good bit of globe trotting to get there. These next 12 pages document Hos earlier life, up until hs success of Vietnams independence. -(It is necessary to say here that due to Hos gift of secrecy and diguise, his early life is quite hard to assess; and that any attempt is just that, an attempt. So many document!
             s blatently contradict one another, it is hard to make heads from tails).
             The man we have come to call Ho Chi Minh was born Nguyen Sinh Cung on May 19th, 1890, in a small village called Kim Lien in a region called Annam a region that now makes up central Vietnam. The region was indirectly run by the French through a puppet emporer. Most of the villigers in the region were strongly opposed to the French's prescence, but laked the determination or leadership to act. Ho's father, an agrarian intellectual, actually served on the imperial court for some time, before leaving at his fellow villigers wishes. (some say he was forced to leave due to his criticizm of French rule). As a measure of Vietnamese custom he received a new name, Nguyen Tat Thanh. The young Ho began his "education" at a young age exploring the volumes in his fathers library including many classical texts. He also studied the political situation of Vietnam, re...

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HO CHI MINH . (1969, December 31). In MegaEssays.com. Retrieved 11:47, June 02, 2024, from https://www.megaessays.com/viewpaper/62833.html