Music During World War Two

             Throughout history, songs and music have been especially popular in time of war and crisis. One reason for this is because it can help people to be in high spirits for a short period of time, even though there is death and illness all around them. During World War Two, the song "Lili Marlene" became a favorite for both the American and German troops.
             One reason the song was very popular with the troops was because it gave them something to do while they were waiting to fight or sitting in camp. The song was popular with many American troops over in Africa. It was played over and over again on its own radio because they liked it so much. The troops would hum and whistle it all over the desert and in the air. It in some measure gave them a place of refuge or sense of security in which they could sing their song with their war buddies and feel safe for a while.
             Another reason the song was a favorite of the American troops was because it was an example of the hatreds of war. They could sing this song and use it to help them get over their tough times throughout the war. It also helped them to be in a better mood, especially when sitting in an airplane and knowing that you could be shot down at any moment. The airmen would sometimes sing songs to each other through their radio systems to keep them occupied and not thinking about the bad things of war while flying. It helped to lift their moods and was a short-term remedy to feeling sad or lonely.
             As one might suspect, song and music was very important during World War Two, along with other times of fighting. It kept men occupied while sitting around, and also it gave them a sense of belonging if all their friends were singing the same song.

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Music During World War Two . (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 19:47, June 02, 2024, from