Eleanor Roosevelt

             Who was Eleanor Roosevelt and how did she become one of the most memorable females in American history. She descended from a respected Victorian family and became well educated about the world around her. Because of her hardship through life she learned to love and respect all different types of people. Eleanor's success with politics can be partly due to her husband, Franklin Roosevelt, but mainly because of her hard work and dedication. She became famous through striving to be who she wanted to be, not by taking the advise of family and the public, which tried to persuade her in becoming a average housewife and mother.
             Throughout Eleanor Roosevelt life she dealt with searching for love, happiness, and being socially accepted. As a young child she had to deal with a troublesome father and abused mother, later to become an orphan by the early death of her parents and brother. Going to school in Allenswood, Europe she learned to be her self and was taught much of the world around her through a teacher and close friend, Marie Souvestre. As Eleanor grew up and married Franklin Roosevelt she would have six babies, one, Franklin Jr., would not survive. She blamed herself for the baby's death because she let servants raise the young child. As a young wife Eleanor was not a feminist and never expected in a profession. Being a child of a high-class family she was raised with little respect for blacks and Jews. Because Franklin became more involved in his own career of polities he found less time to affection to his wife, so as a result they grow farther apart form each other.
             Eleanor became more understanding and learned to overcome her anxieties by getting involved in her own projects and her husband's politics.. Even though Eleanor and her husband became farther apart in their relation they where brought closer together through politics. Projects she got involved in such as working several days a week at a canteen ...

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Eleanor Roosevelt . (1969, December 31). In MegaEssays.com. Retrieved 15:19, June 02, 2024, from https://www.megaessays.com/viewpaper/66156.html