treatment of women in early wes. civ

             Ever since the beginning of time, woman was given
             a duty that she'll carry on performing until the
             end of days. And that primary duty was to gather
             food and crops from nearby and to bear children.
             On the contrary, man was out hunting for a living.
             In order to feed his wife and children. We
             clearly see that lives or our early ancestors were
             greatly dependent on the role of men and women,
             neither one could have made it without the aid of
             the other. But back then life was too simple, so
             was the formation of the society, if there was
             any, but by the passing of time it became more
             complicated and the circle of the family became
             much larger which caused the small independent
             family to evolve into a fully integrated society.
             Those changes caused and amendment in both roles
             of men and women, and the reality and form of
             Women have had their "ups and downs" from the
             great times of Egyptian pharaohs through the
             incomparable Roman glory. But the qu8estion that
             comes along is why were the women treated
             differently through out time? Was due to religious
             beliefs or simply because of the woman's weak
             physical composition that caused them to be
             inferior. And in order to answer those questions,
             we have to go back and analyze the role of women
             In the Paleolithic culture (5 million-10,000 BC),
             women were given such a glory for the importance
             of the role that she plays in guaranteeing the
             continuity of the life of the tribe (Fiero 6).
             This is a magnificent reaction by simple people
             whose only heedfulness is to eat and to be safe.
             So what happened to the people who came after them
             and were supposed to be more civilized. By
             skipping thousands of years, particularly in
             Egypt, females possessed land and had a had a
             great deal of economical freedom (fiero 22-46),
             woman and men worked side by side in farms, if so
             equally. And it was very im...

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treatment of women in early wes. civ . (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 19:00, June 02, 2024, from