Is cloning ethical

             Imagine that you were told you could never walk again due to losing a limb in a near death car accident. Imagine that your doctor informs you that your doctor informs you that no donor could be found to replace a damaged lung or liver that has caused you much pain and suffering. Now imagine a new technology in which lost limbs could be replaced and damaged organs can be genetically reprogrammed. Cloning is the new technology that has made its way into our society and is here to change our lives forever. Cloning technology has become advanced in ways our ancestors could only dream about. Scientist have only been able t dream about cloning animals and humans since the end of the World War II. Imagine if a new cloning procedure were t be developed that could lead not only to a cure for cancer, but also would provide an unlimited source of organ donors and leading to the first effective treatment of nerve damage. Now imagine our government acting to ban this new procedure because!
             of a few myths and exaggerations. This scenario is true and is currently taking place with human cloning. If action is not taken, this outstanding achievement of medical science could be lost forever.
             To fully understand the meaning of cloning, one must look at the definition of the word itself. According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, cloning means, "to make multiple identical copies of (a DNA sequence), to establish and maintain pure lineage of (a cell) under laboratory conditions, to reproduce or propagate asexually, to produce a copy of; imitate" (263). Another definition of cloning is defined by the Cloning Prohibition Act of 1997, "...means the production of a precise genetic copy of a molecule (including DNA), cell, tissue, plant, animal, or human".
             It all began with the team from the Roslin Institute near Edinburgh, Scotland led by Dr. Ian Wilmut. Wilmut and his colleagues wanted to see if specialized cells could be

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Is cloning ethical . (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 15:23, June 02, 2024, from