Oedipus Rex

             "God Is Dead"
             Out of all the things I could have chosen to write about, for some reason
             "Twilight of the Idol's' caught my eye It was kind of a catchy title, and it was the last thing that Nietzsche wrote that had any merit before he went crazy, although some parts of his philosophy make me think that that isn't entirely true.
             Nietzsche describes Twilight of the Idols as an exploration through the idleness of a psychologist, and a declaration of war against the idols, for they were described by him as being "The most hollow of all beings in which people have the most faith" These essays are divided into the Maxims and Arrows, the problem of Socrates, "Reason" in philosophy, How the "True World" finally Became a Fable, Morality as Anti-Nature, The Four Great Errors, The "Improvers" of Mankind, What the German's lack, Skirmishes of an Untimely Man, What I Owe to the Ancients, and The Hammer Speaks. (Pg.465 Twilight of the Idols)
             Maxims and Arrows is the first part of Nietzsche's Twilight of the Idols and probably the most telling. It is written in the form of a list like "Nietzsche's guide to Life" and goes through his basic philosophy shedding light on ever part of his person, from his hatred towards Christianity to his Misogynistic commentary. He begins by putting it all out on the table in the Maxims and Arrows, a list 44 principles that he lives by and sets the tone for the rest of this portion of his writings. I have picked 24 themes from this essay that I thought were the most important and revealing of his character. None of these are direct quotes unless indicated otherwise, but paraphrased and put into "English". (Pgs. 466-473 Twilight of the Idols)
             1) Idleness is the beginning of all psychology
             2) Even the most courageous only has what he truly knows
             5) Is man a mistake of god? Or god ...

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Oedipus Rex . (1969, December 31). In MegaEssays.com. Retrieved 13:53, May 19, 2024, from https://www.megaessays.com/viewpaper/67947.html