Effects Of Television on Society

             Society-as described by Webster's Dictionary is: human being collectively; the fashionable world; a community; an association; companionship. The usage of the words, collectively, community, association, companionship, proves to me that when something changes, or when an events occurs it effects all.
             Television boomed into American family life after World War II. In 1950 only ten percent of Americans had a television set. In ten years ninety percent own a television set. Is it coincidence that these were the baby boom years? There was a dramatic increase in births in America after television creped its way into our homes.
             I presume after the war people were eager to see their spouses. After television was in their homes this gave American less reason to leave. Studies conducted in this country have shown that the life styles have changed. The activates of outings, or "get together," decreased movie-going sporting events, etc.
             A case study in Israel supports these findings in America. Over a course of twenty years there were three major findings in that country. One finding that provides evidence is sporting events and performing arts have declined significantly. Families are
             often extended, and communities are very close. These communities often live and work together. They often shop in the same stores. The collective feeling is that Israeli-Jews believe that public television has served a collective purpose, to influence the citizens to be more individualistic.
             The AAP (American Academy of Pediatrics) 1995: Believes that there is a large potential for television to promote aggressive behavior. They believe that the young adolescent and child mind are suseptable to the vision on television and are prone to mimic this behavior. Therefore, children will react aggressively, sexually, and diveant. TThey feel that the young mind will incorporate the behaviors viewed.

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Effects Of Television on Society . (1969, December 31). In MegaEssays.com. Retrieved 05:19, May 20, 2024, from https://www.megaessays.com/viewpaper/68992.html