
             As most people now know the Internet server, Napster, has grown to be the greatest Internet server known to average teenager and college student. It allows people to download songs from their server and share them with other people, all-free of charge. Not only can you listen to the downloaded MP3 files on the Napster Mp3 player, but it also allows people with CD burners to burn these MP3s onto a blank CD, which can now be taken anywhere.
             Rumors have now been proven true that Napster is going to make its members pay for the use of their server. This is due to the newly formed alliance between the German record label Bertelsmann and Napseter (Menta, 1). "We will work closely with Napster to establish a new membership-based service that achieves acceptance by other music provider" said Andreas Schmidt, president of the Bertelsmann e-commerce group (Menta, 1). I think that it is ridiculous for someone to have to pay just to share his or her files with others. Napster should be a free sight and should be aloud to operate without outside forces telling them what to do, in this case the major music labels. If you wanted to trade something as simple as comics should you have to pay for that opportunity? Because this is basically the same thing, it is just not done online. It seems that no one remembers back in the eighties and early nineties when people made copies of tape cassettes and gave them to frien!
             ds or family. It is essentially the same process. You are taking a finished music product and making a copy of it. The tape is not being sold to anyone, just being given away or kept for ones own personal enjoyment. The same also applies to the VCR and recording movies off the television. When you record a movie and then proceed to watch it again without having to pay for it no one is complaining about it. You can make copies of the movie regardless of the FBI warning just as long as you don'...

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Napester . (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 13:45, June 02, 2024, from