
             Macbeth, like many of Shakespeare's works is a story of pain and tragedy, Macbeth a fearless warrior, is told by the witches is told that he is destined to be King of Scotland. Believing their prediction, Macbeth murders Duncan, the present king and awaits his destiny. Here opens a play of deception with various symbols and images used to further support the emotional aspects of the play, and reinforce the thesis that Shakespeare's plays always end in tragedy with deception playing a significant role. Light and darkness further symbolizing good and evil acts throughout the play, the presence of blood further supporting violence and death, and animals to dig deeper into the characters minds and appear when tragedy strikes. Each given image being a significant part in highlighting the catastrophe and guilt circulating within the castle walls.
             There are various examples of light and darkness throughout the play. These images being used to further capture the presence of good and evil. Darkness usually brings violence and misery, nobody is safe when the sun is down, while the light brings purity and safety. "Duncan comes here tonight" (Act 1 Scene 4) Macbeth speaks and as readers we know that Macbeth is planning on murdering Duncan in the late evening. Later that evening, Fleance one of the guards notes "The moon is dark, I have not yet heard the clock" (Act 2 Scene 1) This eerie time of night is when Macbeth plots his next move and murders the king. Banquo also notes that "Their candles are all out" "(Act 2 Scene 1) further confirming the evenings darkness that will bring nothing but evil and tragedy. During the day, the light in a sense protects the characters from harm. Nothing evil can be accomplished during the light , it is easier to get caught. Banquo for example leaves the castle during the day and conflicts no issues until the sun begins to set. The 1st Murderer notes "And y...

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Macbeth. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 02:30, May 20, 2024, from