The invdiviual courage of Dav.

             People are to a community like buttons are to a machine. They make things work and control what happens. The people in the movie "Guilty by Suspicion," lost access to some of those buttons. When John McCarthy decided that he had to get rid of all of the communist in the United States, it affected many people's lives. The search for communists theoretically turned into a search for witches; people that were a threat to society and had to be weeded out. One of the victims of this misfortune was movie producer, David Merril. David was linked to the communist party and there for assumed to be a communist. When he wouldn't "purge" himself by naming names, his entire life changed, and not for the better. By doing what he did, David set an example, one, which showed courage and strength. Was ruining his life really the right thing for him to do? Did his actions make any difference in what was going on?
             David showed a lot of strength. Not only physically, but mentally. When he was called in to purge himself of his sins he wouldn't do it. While others, like his "friend" Larry went in and gave names, David stuck to his grounds. Out of compassion for the innocent people he was expected to name, David used his individual courage to protect them. He didn't see these people as tickets to freedom; he saw them for who they were. After David made his choice to not go in, he didn't run away like some of his fellow movie directors, he stayed to face the consequences. David showed courage that many people didn't have.
             The brave journey that David went on caused him to lose almost everything that meant anything to him. No matter what he did, being branded as a communist ruined many parts of his life. It was a no win situation. If he had chosen to go along with the government as Larry had, he would of lost many friends and his own self-dignity. Instead he choose to go again

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The invdiviual courage of Dav.. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 16:05, June 02, 2024, from