The Tragedy of War

             Since the beginning of mankind, war has been the ultimate companion of men across
             their evolution. Man has always had that spirit of a warrior. Without it, he could never have
             improved because that is the same spirit that guides people in the various fights which
             combine to constitute the path of life. However, war is still a nightmare that raises a big
             These days, movies come to report barbarian acts that men can perpetrate during
             wars. Those films make people hope we never have a WWIII, because they represent
             artistically how horrible war is, and the are so realistic that they can push us to identify
             ourselves with the characters. This comes down to the special effects used in the recent war
             films as 'Saving Private Ryan' or 'The Thin Red Line'. These effects make people more
             aware of soldiers' pain and therefore more mindful to what war represents.
             The aim of my research is to show how movies can persuade the audience on both
             sides, either on making them aware of war's horrors, or on stimulating their patriotic spirit so
             The Thin Red Line is an anti-war film, probably the best one. It highlights the
             insanity that turns out when humans insist on fighting. The film follows a company
             throughout their campaign to take an important hill on the pacific island of Guadalcanal in
             the Second World War. As much as it can be categorized, the plot consists of these men's
             exploits, triumphs and deaths in their attempts to capture this strategic strip of land from the
             The film director Terrence Malick's intention seems to be showing the terrifying
             reality of modern combat, focusing on the devastation wreaked upon individual men. In fact,
             the film shows that every man fights his own war.
             When Malick juxtaposes the war atop these images from Eden, we get a quick idea of
             the destructiveness of humankind. One is reminded again that Wo...

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The Tragedy of War. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 15:15, June 02, 2024, from