Does the Parole System Work?

             Mr. Rudolph Fricker , a short plump man with thinning red hair, barges
             into his ex-wife's apartment, drunk and holding a loaded .303 Savage-a
             12-gauge shotgun. Upon seeing another man in the apartment by the name
             of Mr. John Mitchell, Fricker fires a shot to his chest and instantly
             kills the innocent man. Without having ever met Mitchell before,
             Fricker had declared that the man "deserved it for fooling around with
             my wife behind my back? Four months after the event, Fricker was
             sentenced to five years in prison on a charge of manslaughter. After
             serving a year, Fricker was eligible for a parole hearing after
             receiving an evaluation from a psychiatrist, who was unable to find any
             evidence of psychiatric disorder. He briskly walks into a small white
             room in the administration center of the Drumheller medium-security
             prison located northeast of Calgary. With his small beady eyes, he
             fixes a stare across the room where five people are seated, patiently
             waiting for the hearing to begin. The five people consist of a prison
             staff member, a parole officer and three members of the National Parole
             Board. Fricker quickly seats himself into the wooden chair and reveals
             a slight European accent as he introduces himself to the Parole Board.
             He looks tired and he becomes frustrated at having to answer to every
             detailed question asked regarding his criminal record, his experience in
             prison and his own thoughts and feelings. All he can say is that he has
             learned his lesson and will never commit another offence. From his
             responses, he shows some remorse and confidence that he has been
             rehabilitated. Should he meet the requirements of the Parole Board and
             agree to the terms set by the Board, Fricker may be granted leave on
             Parole is a carefully constructed bridge between incarceration and
             return to society. It is granted upon careful review of information
             including facts of ca...

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Does the Parole System Work?. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 18:32, June 02, 2024, from