DRC History

             The DRC, has a turbulent political history racked with war and colonization. Though much of the
             DRC's history is still unknown, the most clear information is on its political past, Belgian Congo to Zaire.
             The history, includes various uprisings, and slave trading.
             Henry Stanley, an English explorer, explored the Congo from 1874 to 1877. Stanley explored most
             of the Congo river, a 1,600 mile journey. Stanley wanted the British government to colonize the area, but
             the government refused to do so. Soon after his journey, king Looped II of Belgium asked Stanley to set up
             trading posts. Stanley also communicated with local tribal chiefs. The Congo Free State, was governed by
             Belgium, and officially recognized by the world as a nation in 1885.
             After nationalist riots in Léopoldville in 1959, elections were held. Patrice Lumumba, and his
             Congolese National Movement Party, claimed an outright victory.
             The riots and elections, were the result of years of Belgian misrule and abuse of the native Congolese. The
             Belgians, forced the Congolese to work the rubber tree fields to pay for high taxes. The Congolese were
             also not allowed to own land, and had fewer rights than the white colonists. The DRC was officially
             declared independent on June 30, 1960.
             The government again changed hands in 1965, when Kasavubu was elected prime minister. Joseph
             Mobutu, then secretary of the military, overthrew Kasavubu and installed himself as president. Mobutu
             brought stability to the country at first, but soon became corrupt. In 1971, he made a new constitution, and
             the country was renamed the Republic of Zaire. During this period city names were Africanized,
             Léopoldville became Kinshasa. Mobutu seized foreign companies, and nationalized them, distributing
             control among his close friends and supporters. Mobutu funneled his private wealth of four billion us
             dollars from the companies, and laundered money...

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DRC History. (1969, December 31). In MegaEssays.com. Retrieved 00:20, May 20, 2024, from https://www.megaessays.com/viewpaper/75957.html