City of God

             Jesus was born around 4 to 8 A.D. For the first thirty years of his life we know close to nothing about his life, except for the simple fact that his occupation was a carpenter. Jesus was very much like Socrates in the sense that he himself never wrote anything down for others to read. Everything that we know about him and all of his teachings we learn from the writings of his disciples thirty to seventy years after his life ended.
             He began to preach at the age of thirty. He was accused of regarding himself as the king of the Jews. He was arrested for the reason of saying he could erase peoples sins. "While performing healings and exorcisms, Jesus expounded a message of hope and salvation for sinners who repented".
             Jesus became an enemy to those who were powerful Jewish leaders. They believed that he was "undermining their authority and weakening respect for their teaching on the requirement of Jewish law".
             Christian's major purpose of life is to obtain good behavior so that they could enter heaven after their departure on earth. "For Christians the principle purpose of life was that attainment of salvation entrance into a heavenly kingdom." The Jewish people disagree. They believe in living while here on earth.
             The first Catholic world-view came from Saint Augustine. He has four major world-views. The first view states that, all man is rotten and deservers to burn in hell. "Essential nature of man is will. No man wills God to be God without wills grace." His second view is that man has faith in order to understand. This means that God is good and everything he creates is also good. The third view states that history has no meaning. In the beginning there was creation, in the middle there was Jesus and the end is the last judgment. And the last view is that God has far knowledge. This means that 10% of men will be saved

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City of God. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 16:08, June 02, 2024, from