Floods in the epic of gilgamesh and the bible

             There are many similarities as well as differences when comparing and contrasting the story of the flood in The Epic of Gilgamish and that found in the bible. In both stories a great flood is brought to mankind and one man is chosen to survive. In The Epic of Gilgamish a flood is brought to mankind because the humans were being to loud and they were bothering the gods. A man named Utnapishtim was chosen to survive the flood because of his true worshiping to the god Eu. He was told to build a boat in order to restart mankind after the flood. In the bible, the flood is brought to mankind because God felt that there was too much evil in the world. He chose a man named Noah to build an ark to save two of each animal and restart mankind after the flood. He was chosen because he was the only man on earth who saw grace in the eyes of god.
             Another similarity between the flood in The Epic of Gilgamish and the flood in the Bible is that both chosen men had to build a boat to survive the flood. In both stories one good man, Noah from the bible and Utnapishtim from Gilgamish, is saved and chosen to build an ark or boat. The boat in Gilgamish took seven days to build while Noah took 120 years. The Gilgamish boat was divided into seven decks and Noah's ark was only three decks. When people asked Gilgamish why he was building a boat, he was told to trick the people and tell them that he was going away. In the biblical account Noah tells the people the truth about a flood approaching but they do not believe him. Although both men had to build a boat, the boats were very different. The boat in Gilgamish is a cube, equal on all sides, while in the bible, Noah is told to build his ark in a 450x75x45 ratio
             When the flood finally came, the flood in Gilgamish lasted only seven days and in the bible it lasted for over a year and a half(about 260 days). In both stories a great storm rages and wipes out everyone

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Floods in the epic of gilgamesh and the bible. (1969, December 31). In MegaEssays.com. Retrieved 16:23, June 02, 2024, from https://www.megaessays.com/viewpaper/7767.html