Rap Music

             Rap music is truly an American minority artist creation of which students need to be proud. Unfortunately, rap music is not perceived by many Americans as an art form, but as a fad which they hope will soon fade away. There is a population of people that uses rap music as there own form of subculture. There are many issues that this subculture has to deal with. Issues such as the violence on contemporary society, hatred toward woman, and the influence it has on clothing and identity with in the group.
             Imagine an inner city individual having grown up in an environment where real life street violence is a way of life. His body, having survived personal experiences of violence, endured barely life-sustained conditions, and many sleepless nights caused by the constant yet unpredictable call of death. His mind doubtful over where his next meal will come from, lost in search of some higher guidance, struggling through a world, not of innocent childish fantasies, but trapped in a forced reality. His only outlet is the loud blaring music coddling his already pent-up rage, an escape from these harsh realities, seducing him to a life of violence. In him is created a "me against the world" mentality that is manifested in the rap and hip-hop music that dominates his culture. This is usually the description that most rap artists give themselves.
             The subject of violence and misogyny found in rap and hip-hop music promotes violent crimes in city streets as well as influencing our innocent youth to commit random acts of violence. But is that really what rap music is doing? Most rap songs that contain violence reflect incidents that occur in today's society such as the Rodney King incident. Rap music brings together a tangle of some of the most complex social, cultural, and political issues in contemporary American society. Most artists relive their own painful experiences over and over again though their music, delaying t...

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Rap Music. (1969, December 31). In MegaEssays.com. Retrieved 00:03, May 09, 2024, from https://www.megaessays.com/viewpaper/77715.html