Is It Love?

             Love is a deep and tender feeling of affection for a person. Love does not occur at first sight, it is something that you need to work towards. Romeo only describes Juliet's beauty and not her inner-beauty which is really the most important part of love. "...and Juliet is the sun." (Act 2 Scene 2) Romeo compares Juliet to the sun. He thinks her beauty is overwhelming. Romeo is saying this because he thinks that he is already in love with Juliet, but he barely spoke to her.
             Immediately after meeting Romeo, Juliet tells Nurse that she wants to marry Romeo "If he be married, my grave is likely to be my wedding-bed." (Act 1 Scene 5) Juliet says that if she could not marry him she would rather be dead. Juliet is saying this without even knowing Romeo's name. Then Juliet asks her nurse who that fine gentleman is, the nurse quickly tells her that his name is Romeo.
             Since this play was written about 400 years ago, the world has changed significantly, but the emotions and way of thinking in this play have withstood the test of time. This is why movies, such as Romeo and Juliet were so successful. Shakespeare's play and the movie showed they have many similarities and many differences, but one thing remains, they all use universal truths to relate to their audiences.
             True love is not shown in this play. I think this because Romeo and Juliet barely knew each other and they already thought that they were in love. They were just attracted to each other and love is so much more then an attraction between two people. I think if Romeo and Juliet wouldn't have died at such an young age they would've realized that they didn't really love each other and found their love somewhere else.

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Is It Love?. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 21:33, June 02, 2024, from