
             Raw sexual energy. It is what allows humans to live and reproduce. Sexual energy and tension exists in every social situation that a person comes across in life. Sex is present in school, work and home. Finding a place where there is no feelings of sex in society is nearly impossible. Dorianne Laux writes about her feelings of sex and notices the actions of those around her in "The Laundromat." A poem which takes us on a journey, starting in a Laundromat, then taking us all the way back to humans roots; the raw sexual energy the existed as Neanderthals then through the practical aspect of sex and life without sex.
             Staring at the clothes somersaulting in the dryer, Laux thinks of herself as a woman trapped in her own environment. The Laundromat serves as her aphrodisiac and she sees herself as a strong woman in need of sexual gratification. She is horny. This bring out her animal instincts and makes her aware of those around her. She notices that the individuals around her also act on their passions. One woman instead of focusing on her clothes, is instead focusing on the man whom just strolled in with his shirt off. She notices the silk jogging shorts and gawks at him. The man then too feels the sex in the air and he looks up, catching the woman. At that point, she is caught. She let her drives take control of herself and there is nothing left to do but laugh and make small talk.
             Laux then feels the sex present in another man's mind. She catches a man eyeing her the line of her shorts. She loves this attention as all people do to some degree. She rewards the man by bending over and teasing him, both making him happy and even more frustrated. The attention she receives while the stranger is staring at her is called sex appeal.
             Sex appeal rules western society today and has been present in every civilization since the start of time. Beauty as it is more affectionately called rul

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Laundromat. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 16:24, June 02, 2024, from