Outline and Contrast the Term of the Realist Approach With t

             Language is the very important method of communication in every culture. It is a very powerful element. And it is always misunderstand and misinterpret. As language and society reflect one another, so it is very important for the communicators to understand and respect the changing in the meaning of words.
             Most of the understanding in the world society comes from word: the communicators use the words to describe their experience and idea to people. To suggest the experiences and ideal clearly people have to choose the best words for the best condition. One thing to create better international understanding is to be careful about using language of what people mean. This research paper will focus on the understanding in cross-cultural language. And to determine is the language structures on people thinking and opinion especially for Westerners' view of non-Westerners and non-White culture. For example, cabin and palace, these two terms are created very different pictures in people mind, because language structures their thinking.
             In several parts of non-Western countries, royal families are sleeping in the palace, which is very complex if compare to cabin. The building has many purposes and many sizes and shapes. Non-Westerns, who speak their native language, would not call this a cabin.
             A cabin, as defined by An English-Reader's Dictionary, is a small, roughly built house (e.g. of logs). (An English-Reader's Dictionary, 1992: 69)
             If someone return from traveling and tell their friends that they slept in a cabin or they slept in a palace, their friends will have a very different image. They will be persuaded by the selection of these two words, which how their friends will view the image of the living of people that their friend met and their quality of life. So if you slept with the royal family, did you sleep in a cabin or a palace? The choice of words can show the bias in how people view the wor...

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Outline and Contrast the Term of the Realist Approach With t. (1969, December 31). In MegaEssays.com. Retrieved 18:49, June 02, 2024, from https://www.megaessays.com/viewpaper/79173.html