
             "Parents are your backbone and without them you are nothing." Grandmother used to always tell me that, and I never knew what she meant until now. Mom and Dad, you have been everything to me. Throughout my life you have been unselfish, you have given me the opportunity to experience things on my own, and you have taught me self-control, and I thank you.
             I know that it is a parent's job to take care of their offspring, but I feel that you have gone above and beyond that call. As I go back in my memory, I can not remember a time when you were not there for me. You always gave me what I needed and never let me down when I was counting on you (which was all the time). I know that there have been many rough times during the past few years that were hard on all of us, but somehow, you have always been able to put on a happy face and that is miraculous.
             During the teenage years, most children are attempting to run rampant and their parents are trying to keep them in a box, but you have constantly allowed me to go out on my own and experience new things. From my little stint playing the viola to driving me back and forth to Mock Trial practice, you have never complained once because you knew that it was all apart of me growing up. I know that letting me go over of the country is hard, but you let me do it. Allowing me to go all the way to the University of Michigan alone for six weeks was extremely difficult for you, but you cast your fears aside and let me experience that part of life, and I am forever grateful. Encouraging and supporting me through all of my crazy hobbies and thoughts has been hard and seeing me fail at some of them has been even harder, but you have loved me all the way.
             The most important thing that you have taught me in the sixteen years of my life is self- control. When I was younger and you whipped me for talking back or saying something that I should not have, I would get angry, bu

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Letter. (1969, December 31). In MegaEssays.com. Retrieved 03:20, May 20, 2024, from https://www.megaessays.com/viewpaper/792.html