Power of Faith

             On July 20, 1944, Colonel Claus von Stauffenburg, just recently promoted to Chief of Staff of the German Homeland Army, departed for the Wolf's Lair, Hitler's well-protected fortress, where he was determined to free the German people from Hitler's harsh rule. Germany was losing the war; flames engulfed its cities; Allied forces closed in. Stauffenburg was the leader of a large conspiracy determined to eliminate the Nazi regime. He had such faith in his compatriots that he was willing to sacrifice his career, indeed, his life, to save millions of people in the forthcoming fights. Stauffenburg entered the room where Hitler would be briefed with his suitcase in hand. Unbeknown to all in the room, the suitcase contained a pair of time bombs which would detonate and initiate a coup d'état against Hitler's oppressive regime. Whether it is towards fellow humans or a divine god, faith is a powerful aid that can help people believe in something that they normally would consider unwise or unplausible.
             Faith is an important aspect of almost everybody's life; it is necessary for any close relationship with another human. The word faith is derived from the Latin word fidere, meaning to trust. Throughout the centuries, the word faith has changed little. Today, faith is a type of trust; it is a complete belief in the value and truth of someone. Like the words confidence and reliance, faith is a state of mind, but it is more powerful than these. When one has faith in others, he believes everything that person declares despite a lack of evidence to substantiate it. Many people must have faith in others. For example, an astronaut on a mission in space must have faith in many people. He must have faith in the engineers that designed the space shuttle, the workers who built it, and the mission control personnel guiding him. Without this faith, the astronaut could not bring himself to accept this mission. Without faith, any type of communion wit...

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Power of Faith. (1969, December 31). In MegaEssays.com. Retrieved 01:32, May 20, 2024, from https://www.megaessays.com/viewpaper/79651.html