Women's opinions on why her husband doesnt listen to her

             After reading "Why can't he hear what I'm saying?" a story about narrated by a woman talking about her husband not hearing her, I've come to the conclusion that all woman are the same when it comes to dealing with men. The narrator spoke of the many conversations that happen between two people who care for each other and compared and contrasted how a conversation doesn't go in a positive way if the two people do not really have much interest in each other. She expressed how she felt toward all the different types of conversations and how she felt toward the way men approach them as husband to their wives. In my opinion all woman think the same they want more and they complain about the smallest things which is exactly what the narrator does in this reading. My opinion on the whole reading is a contradicting one, because I believe woman exaggerate most of the times with their cries for attention, but I strongly believe in the husband showing he cares to know about how his wife is doing and show that he expresses himself to her and wants her to express herself to him. Dr.Tannen was very bias through out her writing I believe, I think she was ignorant because she used her experience with her husbands to make all the statement and I don't think all men are that way and I know for a fact that I'm not that way. She carries over the fact that her silent father is the reasons why she wants her husband to be so expressive and she implies that they're the same thing a silent father, she uses the fact that her husband being so silent means he wasn't listening and she says its almost as if she's banging her head against a brick wall, which in my opinion is a negative assumption.
             My true opinion on this reading by Dr. Tannen is a contradicting one, I agree with her when she says that communication is very important in a relationship but I don't agree in the big dea...

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Women's opinions on why her husband doesnt listen to her. (1969, December 31). In MegaEssays.com. Retrieved 16:49, June 02, 2024, from https://www.megaessays.com/viewpaper/8014.html