Frye questions

             Giants in Time" 1.) What is the difference between imaginary and imaginative?
             In literature, imaginary means unreal and imaginative means what the writer produces. In the later of the reading Frye referred that "what a man really believes is what his actions show that he believes", I think writers create stories are to express their feelings toward certain things. They use gods and myths, not because they believe in them but how they want to express themselves in an other way. Imagination is more into the unreal things that we want, like rocket cars or immortality. These are things that we are not capable to achieve, at least not now!
             2.) How does the poet differ from the historian?
             Poets are often referred as a Literature liar, the never made any real statement, their job was to tell the readers what happens and the kind of thing that always does take place. Historian studied history and people to make general statements about the past, but their ideas were either correct or incorrect. I think that poets that writes well are very talented, they often use symbols to represent or hide their feelings with bizarre objects, that's is why I often get stuck and confused with a poem.
             3.) How does Frye explain symbols in literature?
             Frye said that whenever a writer uses an image, or object from the world around him, he's made it a symbol. I agree with his statements because I think writers write of what they believe and how they want to express themselves. They use objects and images around them to relate how they feel towards certain issues. His statement also gave me a feeling that many poets and writers travelled frequently, they go around the world to collect their ideas and make up beautiful stories or poems.
             4.) What are allusions? What does allusiveness mean?
             Allusion is a literally device that many writers and poets use. They referred to past stories, events, myths in their...

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Frye questions. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 16:38, June 02, 2024, from