Fahrenheit 451

             Fahrenheit 451 would provide hope for the characters in this novel. Fahrenheit 451 is a controversial book that would be banned in Montag's time because of the arousal of questions. Fahrenheit 451 must be saved though, this book gets the readers mind to think and analyze details such as the televisions separating Montag and Mildred. This is the very reason it would be banned because thought can be unsafe and threatens unity in this case.
             The novel stirs thoughts about how strong and seriously the reader should take their beliefs: should ones beliefs come between you and the law? The controversy that occurs should cause the government to worry about an up rise of a nation full of unruly people. But when one is passionate about their ideals they should want to go through all lengths to protect their thoughts. Montag says, "I'm afraid he'll talk me back the way I was. Only a week ago, pumping a kerosene hose, I thought: Go, what fun!" this shows Montag's fear and how he wants his knowledge even though it is a threat to his well being.
             A reason for the ban on books is to regulate knowledge and to make others feel confident knowing everyone else is as dumb as they are. Today we have censorship because of language, graphic details, and depictions that may be implied through the context of the piece of literature. But we are limiting our knowledge and freedom for thinking critically. "The man's thinking..." said Mildred, is thinking a bad thing? In Fahrenheit 451 society limits thought because they believe that too much thought could lead to stereotypes and differences among themselves, but their society views these differences as bad things. The people of Fahrenheit 451 therefore have a fear of the unknown to an extreme.
             We need the novel Fahrenheit 451 in our lives to force readers to think, is life as good as promoted to being? Faber says, "Do you know

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Fahrenheit 451. (1969, December 31). In MegaEssays.com. Retrieved 20:19, May 08, 2024, from https://www.megaessays.com/viewpaper/84935.html