Silent Thunder: A Civil War story

             This story, Silent Thunder told of a slave family living on a tobacco plantation, accurately depicted slave life prior to, and during The Civil War. The struggles the characters face throughout the story are not unusual. The desire to read and write was present, though against the law, through the slaves' resourcefulness, some achieved that goal. The desire to be free was evident in every slave, but unfortunately, only a few escaped to free land. This story brought forth emotion, constantly reminded you of the daily struggle to avoid punishment, and brings many qualities of these people to light.
             After reading this story, I feel many things, happiness, dis-pleasure, and sorrow. I feel happy because Rosco and Clem escaped safely to the North with the help of many helpful people through the Underground Railroad. However, I am dis-pleased once again with the actions and feelings towards the people we held in the bonds of slavery for so long. Yes-Rosco and Clem escaped, but what happens to their families, friends and loved ones left behind? They did not have the opportunity to escape, and for many, lived out their whole lives in the bonds of slavery. I feel sorry for Lowell, Master Parnell's son. He was born with a breathing problem, and his father was disappointed in him, and shunned him.
             Through out this story, I was constantly reminded of how scared the slaves were. They were constantly worried about their well being, displeasing their master, or getting caught doing wrong. The consequences for these actions carried a heavy punishment, which each and every slave was aware of, receiving a stern whipping, or an awful beating, or perhaps even worse, death. These consequences instilled fear in these people, causing them to live out their lives in constant fear of what could happen.
             The resourcefulness of the slaves was what I noticed most throughout this story. From their herbal ointments and cures, and

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Silent Thunder: A Civil War story. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 17:20, June 02, 2024, from