Search for Life Meaning

             "Baraka" is an ancient Sufi word meaning a blessing or the breath/essence of life. Through a series of stunning images, the film explores the theme of the essential unity of the cosmos and humankind's search for meaning within it.
             Throughout the film, one is aware of the ingenuity and creativity of human beings, the portrayal of the rich diversity of human existence and the beauty of this planet. Although darker images of human life are presented, the dignity of the human subjects is respected. The film extract also comments on the awesomeness of nature, the inhumanity of man, man's destruction of nature, and mans need to return to a more spiritual, natural way of life. While watching the extract it dawned on me that various creation theologies have influenced the human search for meaning of life. While many realize, perhaps because of their religious beliefs or very spiritual natures, that their search for meaning goes hand in hand with their love and respect for the universe. Others live their lives in a constant quest for bigger and better things. The values of simplicity, silence and time for self seem to play a secondary role to the materialistic nature of todays human beings. Materialism was illustrated in the film clip by the 'busyness' of life as people rush through the streets and stations. Even the beauty of the forest is marred by the need for housing or profit as the chainsaw does its work.
             Genesis said that humans were created in the image of God. For people of the Jewish and Christian tradition, surely this means that all humans are worthy of dignity and respect. For Christians and Jews the Genesis creation myth certainly guides the search for meaning, to live compassionately and caring about life in order to gain eternal life with their creator. This creation story has also taught the Christians and Jews that we were placed on the earth to be stewards and to be in cha

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Search for Life Meaning. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 19:35, May 19, 2024, from