Legal Studies Australia - Migration Legislation

             The global phenomenon that has seen increasing numbers of people resorting to desperate ways of finding a safe haven has become a major challenge for Australians to reconcile with. Australia is committed to protecting refugees and complying with its obligations, which arise regardless of whether the applicant entered Australia lawfully or unlawfully. Australia is taking a consistent position which provides protection to those persons who are assessed as engaging the governments obligations are ensuring that all claims are properly considered, while meeting our responsibilities to maintain the integrity of Australia's borders and migration programs.
             Australia is among the few countries that have a planned, non-discriminatory immigration program. Anyone from any country can apply to migrate here regardless of his or her ethnic origin, gender, race or religion. Australia is seldom a country of first flight or asylum for people forced to leave their own countries but it has consistently contributed to international responsibility for displaced people through its generous resettlement program. In the last 10 years Australia has permanently resettled more than 130,000 refugees and other persons in need. As well, Australia provided safe haven for 4000 Kosovars and 1800 East Timorese needing temporary protection.
             In September 2001 the Federal Parliament passed a package of laws aimed at reducing the incentive for unlawful entry, and the associated people smuggling activity.
             People who apply for recognition as refugees are called asylum seekers. The seeking of asylum in itself is not illegal and Australia does not have a policy of detaining asylum seekers. But Australia does detain unauthorised arrivals. Detention is mandatory in mainland Australia and discretionary in 'excised offshore places'. People who arrived unauthorised at an excised of...

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Legal Studies Australia - Migration Legislation. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 13:49, June 02, 2024, from