Environmental Ethics

             Typically, in the past and even in the present day, people have either have an anthropocentric view, humankind as the center of existence, or ecocentric, concerned with all living organisms and their environment. Sessions wrote (2001, p.158) , In 1972, the environmental textbook writer G. Tyler Miller provided a concise and dramatic overview of the ecological analysis and worldview in the 1960s, claiming that "the ecological...revolution will be the most all-encompassing revolution in the history of mankind. It involves questioning and altering almost all of our ethical, political, economic, sociological, psychological, and technological rules or systems.". Those rules and systems about the environment have been placed in history by so many great minds. The historical background of attitudes towards the environment are put into four categories; religious, philosophical, ethical and technological.
             The Bible is one example of a religious view on how the world was created, in what order, and why. In Genesis 1-2 all was created, but not equally. Genesis 1:27 states that God created woman and man at the same time, as if to be equal. In the contradicting Genesis 2:22, God created man, animals, then woman, to be a helper to man. Animals and beasts in Genesis 1 are ruled over by man. In Genesis 2, animals and beasts are created as companions and helpers, as if to be equal. The impression that man is dominant over animals and woman is given in chapter 1, which also has an anthropocentric feel.
             Chapter 2 takes a stewardship, how to take care of something, and a more ecocentric attitude towards animals and the environment.
             Descartes, an important scientific philosopher, in the beginning of the 17th century, coined the phrase, "I think, therefore I am". He believed that humans were the only entity on earth that had any value. According to Descartes, animals did not have any intelligence because they could not...

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Environmental Ethics. (1969, December 31). In MegaEssays.com. Retrieved 23:50, May 19, 2024, from https://www.megaessays.com/viewpaper/86578.html