How War Has Changed America

             War is in every part of this world; in every country, state, or town. War causes problems, but yet it also solves problems. War is defined as open hostility between people, according to the Oxford American Dictionary. The war brought about many issues of cooperation, diversified production, and women's rights. These are all very important factors in the development of the United States.
             In the beginning, colonists were fleeing Europe to get away from the tyranny of the King. People of all different backgrounds were coming over, even though they were fleeing for similar religious reasons. Their thoughts of the new world were not what they had envisioned. They had no idea of all of the problems that they would have with the Indians. Feelings of inferiority were common among the colonists, as many new people arrived to the new land. The original settlers felt like their land was being taken away from them. Then there were the problems with Britain still. With all the problems in the 'States' the colonists were able to come together and forget all of their other issues with each other and focus on maintaining their freedom and becoming a separate nation.
             Bringing people together was not the only bonus that America has received through war. The war certainly reshaped factory production. What people could mold out of steel and iron to, more or less, use to destroy the enemy, they went to all extremes to do it. All production facilities went into full war mode. The factories no longer produced cars and such, but instead, they made tanks and planes and bombs. The factory production status dumped a large portion of the population into the workforce that previously had been thought to not be able to do anything but house sit. Like the story of Rosie the Riveter. Masculine women doing what some thought only to be men's jobs. This started the issues of women's rights.

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How War Has Changed America. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 13:45, June 02, 2024, from