
             There are many moments in history which have impacted the Church. Some moments only affected the few involved, while others converted the masses. The significant moments that I chose were the ones that seemed to make the biggest changes in the way the present Church is run. Pentecost, St. Paul's conversation, and the way conversion of the barbarians are the events I chose. These moments are ways that Christians came together to believe in one God. They unified the Church and showed the spreading of the good word of Christ .
             The fist moment or Pentecost, which is referred to as when ,The Church is born of the Spirit. This is a very key event in the Church it "marks the birth of the Church" ( Mcbride in Ten 'Peak Moments' of Church History). The Holy Spirit was given to us by God to help us have strength in our faith. Pentecost gave Jesus' followers a way to connect with him. This event sent the people to spread the word of God. this moment forever changed the Church. Many new people were exposed to Christianity because of this event, "the Church was publicly revealed to the multitude" ( Mcbride in Ten 'Peak Moments' of Church History).
             This event was the kickoff to a faith that was guided not only by the Church, but also most importantly the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit gives us the strength we need to continue in our faith. This event shows the divine providence of the Church. The point of the event is that the Holy Spirit was sent to reveal " the truth about God " ( Mcbride in Ten 'Peak Moments' of Church History ). The Holy Sprit is at the foundation of the Church. This moment is what gives the Church a lot of its authority, the authority of the Holy Spirit . The Holy Spirit worked through the early Christians and continues to do so today.
             The nest event chosen was St. Paul's conversion at Damascus c. 40A.D. This event forever changes...

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