Differences of Class in the Classroom

             There are many differences between people in the United states. We have amongst us people from all over the world. People from all backgrounds, and colors live is this large place called the united States of America, and I don't believe we would have it any other way. However, amongst all of these people a certain thing called class had evolved into something some of us do not agree with, or even like. The class issue has seeped into our everyday lives, including places that are supposed to be neutral, such as a classroom. Surprised? Don't be, occurrences concerned with class happen at least, fairly often.
             While I could spend a large amount of time talking about all of the different ways in which class really does affect America, I am going to focus on the classroom at this time. The classroom is a place in which we should all feel "safe" to think, speak, and feel however we wish, as long as what you speak is not disrespectful to others. Unfortunately, some people feel threatened by class in this setting. I believe that if you are having to spend your time thinking about what you can and can't say, feel or think, because the upper classes will think badly of you, you never have a real chance at learning.
             I recently read an article by bell hooks, who came from a lower working class family, and ended up going to school at an elite university. She brings a good point when she says, "It only took me a short while to understand that class was more than just a question of money, that it shaped attitudes, social relationships, social relations, and the biases that informed the way knowledge would be given, and received." This in itself is another way in which class can interfere with learning.
             I can say from experience that if you are opposed to things that go on in the upper class, whether you yourself have money or not, for the most part, you are looked down on, and not accepted...

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Differences of Class in the Classroom. (1969, December 31). In MegaEssays.com. Retrieved 23:04, May 19, 2024, from https://www.megaessays.com/viewpaper/8813.html