Where Ideas Grow

             Every moment of every day art is created. A person can look at anything for a period of time, and eventually find some artistic quality to it. Will that quality that he or she finds be the same as the artist's, or even the same as the person standing right next to them? Of course not. But does that really matter? What is most important in a work of art, the artist's intention, or the viewers' reaction? Regardless of its original purpose, or even the creator's intention behind the work, it is simply that specific personal interpretation of the viewer that is of any significance. What the artist is thinking is nice to know, but it isn't the most important aspect of the work. While there are certain "presumed demands of the marketplace" by the public on an artist, the artist should not be thinking of his audience when creating the work (National...). The work itself will elicit a reaction from the viewer, and every reaction will be different. What the artist must focus on is his own intention in creating the work.
             At DIA Center for the Arts in New York City, there are six floors of very different art. There is video art, mirror art, art made from yarn, and art created from echoes of sound. Every person who goes through the Center has a completely different experience than every other person, including the artist. Which one is of the greatest significance to the person? Theirs. That is not to say that the artist has no relevance in his or her work, because what he or she thinks is just as important. A perfect example of this is the rooftop of the Center. Perched on a platform, the pavilion created by artist Dan Graham is raised above the ground stretching towards the heavens. It is made out of two-way mirror glass to make it translucent and transparent, reflective and opaque, so that the viewer can see both only the art itself and the entire cityscape, depending on what they choose to...

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Where Ideas Grow. (1969, December 31). In MegaEssays.com. Retrieved 01:32, May 20, 2024, from https://www.megaessays.com/viewpaper/89274.html