Romeo + Juliet

             William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet has evolved over the years to be one of the most famous and well-known stories of all time. Shakespeare shows us that the main culprit for the tragic ending of Romeo and Juliet is the constant feuding between the two families. Romeo and Juliet are giving themselves a harder time with their rash decision-making and constant stupidity, although some individuals along the way are also to blame. As well as this, chance and good luck just aren't on their side. With all of these problems and Romeo and Juliet destined to be star crossed lovers, this story was bound to end in tragedy.
             Romeo and Juliet come from two very different families, so different that each family spends its life at war with one another. Both families are extremely wealthy and treated like royals by the town in which they both live in. When Romeo and Juliet first meet they are both unaware that one of them is from the opposite family and they fall in love. That I must love a loathed enemy is Juliet's attitude towards Romeo when she finds out that he is a Montague. After the truth is revealed about which family they're from they know that they must keep their feelings for each other a secret. If their families were to ever find out about their relationship it would be considered a disgrace to the family name.
             Throughout the play Romeo and Juliet are always making rash decisions. They never stop and think about what they are going to do they just do it in the heat of the moment. This is another reason that their relationship ended in tragedy. If they stoped and thought through some of their decisions or planned their lives I believe that the story would have changed dramatically.
             Friar Lawrence who is a priest and an herbalist gave Romeo and Juliet advice when they needed it. The advice he gave was generally very smart, but the Friar would always go against it. An example of this is and I quote w

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Romeo + Juliet. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 17:53, June 02, 2024, from