Utilitarianism/ Mills

             " In an improving start of the human mind, the influences are constantly changing in the increase, which tend to generate in each individual a feeling of unity with all the rest; which feeling, if perfect, would make him never think of or desire, any beneficial condition for himself, in the benefits which they are not included."
             What Mill is stating, is that the human mind is always being influenced whether it is good or bad. By this man feels that he is apart of the group (unity). By man being influenced, he is constantly changing his perception on life and improving the quality of his life. While man might feel unified with the group, he will sometimes be singled out because he will have opinions of his own. Mill's view explains that with all the influences and opinions, society will always separate and unify certain issues. Mill's quotes supports and defends his own views on what can improve the human mind.
             Chapter three of, On Liberty and Utilitarianism Mill brings up the issue of individuality and utility. This point is made obvious in the title of chapter three, " of the Ultimate Sanction of the Principle of Utility." In plain words, it says that it is the ultimate approval of the theory/doctrine. " The ultimate sanction, therefore, of all morality (external motives apart) being a subjective feeling in our own minds, I see nothing embarrassing to those whose standard is utility." This, meaning that man has the right to approve or disapprove in the theory or influences of his choice.
             The book as a whole, focuses on John Stuart Mill's philosophies on Utilitarianism. Mill refers to utilitarianism as "the greatest happiness for the greatest number." Man searches to be happy through the influences of others. This is what creates a society. Man's happiness is constantly changing according to Mill. I agree with Mill because another will always influence ...

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Utilitarianism/ Mills. (1969, December 31). In MegaEssays.com. Retrieved 02:46, May 20, 2024, from https://www.megaessays.com/viewpaper/91616.html