Violence and TV

             Television Violence Affecting today's Brood
             "American children watch an average of three to fours hours of
             television daily. Television can be a powerful influence in
             developing value systems and shaping behavior." (
             Children in today's society get sidetracked with reality through television. The violence on television is exaggerated to extremes. Children watch shows like the Power Rangers, VR Troopers, and cartoons like Looney Toons and Digimon. All of these shows on television show violence.
             "Shortly after the debut of the popular program Power Rangers many parents and teachers observed an alarming increase in martial-arts-style aggression toward other children."(Gottesman 1999, 259).
             The shows show good versus evil, black versus white, God versus the devil. The way the good guys win is usually through destruction and or death of the bad guy. This influences children a great deal. A child might go out and hurt another child who they see as evil or someone bad..
             "Television violence is typically represented by fistfights, gun shots viewed from a distance, or explosives".(Gottesman 1999, 275)
             Television shows lots of fistfights between people like gangs movies, karate movies, and war movies. These movies on television might also show guns, tanks, knives, bombs, etc... Children see these type of weapons on television and they want to have these weapons. The toy industry fuels the children's fire to get these weapons. The child will then have their parents go out and buy them these items. The child might just play with the toys. The child might also get sick and tired of them and try to get the real thing.
             Children have a habit, once in a while, to play with their parents guns or kitchen knives. Fatalities happen when the child then thinks that the gun is not loaded, and or the knife really won't hurt anyone. This is why parents

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Violence and TV. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 03:41, May 20, 2024, from