Anabolic Steriods is baseball

             This paper will discuss the use of anabolic-androgenic steroids in Major League Baseball. It will discuss the drug advantages and disadvantages and its side effects.
             Anabolic steroids are produced by chemical methods from the male hormone testosterone. Using anabolic steroids helps the body retain dietary protein, which aids in the development of muscles. Many athletes think that they'll get faster, more agile, and more explosive when they take anabolic steroids. Suprisingly, anabolic steroids don't help your speed, agility, or cardiovascular capacity at all. The benefits of using anabolic steroids have not been proven. When using anabolic steroids the only thing that happens is rapid muscle growth. Steroids can stimulate a rapid increase in muscle strength, but this unnatural strength occurs so quickly that the muscles, tendons, and ligaments are not meant to withstand and support these forces.
             There are some serious side effects that come with the use of anabolic steroids. Some of the effects are not only internal but external as well. Though anabolic steroids are derived from a male sex hormone, men who take them may actually experience a "feminization" effect. Some possible effects include reduced sperm count, impotence, development of breasts, shrinking of the testicles, difficulty or pain while urinating, cancer, frequent headaches and fevers, kidney disease, nausea, and swelling of the heart. The interesting thing is that the physical side effects don't have to take place while using the drug, it can happen many years later. Not only are there physical side effects, but there are behavior side effects as well. While taking the drug you can experience severe mood swings, for example going from depression, to extreme irritability, to feelings of "invincibility", and outright aggression. People commonly call this behavior "roid rage"
             Women experience a "masculinization&qu...

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Anabolic Steriods is baseball. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 11:53, June 02, 2024, from