
             Hamlet: a man of thought and action or a failure?
             In order to be a man of thought and action you must have the ability to think
             quickly on your feet. Hamlet doesn't do this at all. It is totally agreeable that the man of
             action definitely would be Fortinbras. He know what he wants and knows how to get it.
             The man of thought is always going to be Horatio. He thinks and reacts only when it is
             totally necessary. That's what makes Horatio the more sensible of the two.
             Hamlet is too indecisive to be a man of thought and action. When he had the
             perfect chance to kill Claudius for killing his father, he decided to not kill him. "Now
             might I do it pat, now 'a is a praying, and now I'll do't. And so 'a goes to Heaven, and so
             I am revenged. That would be scanned. A villain kills my father, and for that I his sole son
             do this same villain sent to Heaven."
             By Hamlet not killing Caludius when he had the chance becomes very ironic that
             by Hamlet thinking then acting when it is supposed to be a good thing it ends up being bad
             at the end of the play. The man Hamlet should of killed ends up killing him because he
             didn't act on his instinct as he should have.
             As for Fortinbras being the man of action, that's agreeable. Fortinbras doesn't care
             what it takes to get what he wants. He likes to fight and be in charge. This is shown when
             Fortinbras takes his army through the land, his uncle lost to capture other land which has
             no meaning to them at all. "I have some rights of memory in this kingdom which now to
             claim my vantage doth invite me."
             Finally, the man of thought: Horatio. Horatio is the brave one. Horatio wanted
             to speak to the ghost and wanted to figure everything out. "O speak or if thou hast
             abhorred in thy life exhorted treasure in the OMB of the earth, for which, they say, you
             spirits oft walking in death speak of...

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Hamlet. (1969, December 31). In MegaEssays.com. Retrieved 15:58, May 19, 2024, from https://www.megaessays.com/viewpaper/94582.html