History of Ancient Chinese Civilization

             The history of ancient Chinese civilization has always fascinated people, perhaps,
             in recent times more than ever. More than one billion Chinese people live in the world
             today. There are many characteristics that can unite and give a common identity to such
             an enormous amount of people. Some of these characteristics lie in the long history of
             the land, and differences in language, geography, literature, science, and math. All of these
             views have been reflected during different times in Chinese history. China's geography is very distinctive from other countries. China is located in Southeast Asia, on the East Coast of the Pacific Ocean. The climate of China is similar to the United States. Temperate climates prevail within the desert and semiarid regions in the western interior.
             A small area of tropical climate in the extreme Southeast. Many crops are grown in China such as grain, cotton, and oilseeds. Many farm families choose to specialize in a particular market crop like fresh vegetables or cut flowers. China needs rivers to survive, without rivers China could not produce rice (their main crop). Large citrus orchards are found in the central of the rivers. In the far South, you find bananas and other tropical fruit. The rivers also make the land fertile for the farmers or landowners to plant. One of the many problems that China faced in the late twentieth century is overpopulation. In an effort to control, the growth of China's population the Chinese government has set up a system of rewards and penalties designed to encourage one-child families. Couples are urged to sign pledges that they will have only one child and received a bonus for doing so. If they have two or more children, however, they must pay a heavy fine, and also pay for the education and medical care for the extra children.
             China is not the world's oldest civilization, but it does have the longest continuing historical record of any society in ...

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History of Ancient Chinese Civilization. (1969, December 31). In MegaEssays.com. Retrieved 15:44, June 02, 2024, from https://www.megaessays.com/viewpaper/97285.html