All Quiet On the Western Front

             The film All Quiet on the Western Front was an excellent depiction of the hardships endured not only in the trenches, but society as a whole. The Great War was completely different from any other previous war. Gone were the days of Napoleonic warfare and traditional combat, instead these tactics were replaced by trench warfare and attacks on enemy positions by air. There are many concepts that are depicted in the movie that have been thoroughly discussed in class. The film gives us a glimpse into the life of young, innocent troops and more specifically, the view of war from the enemy (Germans). One concept that was clearly evident was that of the functional and organizational myth by instilling thoughts of great patriotism into the minds of the young school boys. It is obviously much easier to brainwash a youthful, inexperienced mind and describe war as a way to show patriotism for your country. This is why the countries engaged in the Great War were able to expend so many soldiers despite having such little results. In the film, there are two very similar scenes in which adolescent males are in a classroom being told to join the war effort. The second scene, however, is disrupted when Paul arrives just in time to recount his experiences in the war. The children seem to have been disappointed by the lack of enthusiasm Paul had for the war. We still witness young males engaged in the war but towards its end, there is a deficiency of food for these soldiers. The classroom propaganda obviously worked as millions of easily influenced minds were sent of to an early death which introduces another concept; the decapitation of a generation. Millions of people were killed due to mindless wages to gain territory while these countries were able to tolerate the casualties of their own people. As quick as they could be sent to war, soldiers were being killed in the trenches and no man's land. With the implementation of air planes in the war m...

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All Quiet On the Western Front. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 23:45, June 02, 2024, from