Hinduism vs. Christianity

             As a child I watch spellbound the movie Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom. In this movie, I was scared to death when I saw the beating heart pulled out of a living man, and he continued living. Since that day, the culture of India has intrigued me. A large part of this fascination stems from their religion.
             "Hinduism is the dominant spiritual way in India. It is entwined inextricably with Indian culture" (Healy pg. xiv). Most Indians are Hindus thus the Indian culture is influenced in a large part by Hinduism. Hinduism is a religion full of many spiritual ideas that seem different from those of the Christian philosophy. To a Christian it may be difficult to understand what it is exactly that a Hindu believes. I found that Hinduism like Christianity has as many seemingly different forms to worship as a tree has branches. Still I was able to find some common ground amongst all the Hindu sects. Although it seems that the differences between these two religions is irreconcilable. There is actually some common ground in regards to how both religions view god, and in the images they use to worship him. Also how each group views each other makes for an interesting dilemma that brings these two seemingly different religions together in many forms.
             Hindu and Christian Definitions of God
             Hindus have a basic belief in God, as do most other religions. Hindus believe that God is everywhere and is in everything (Maharshi). Although from a Christian viewpoint, Hindus have a confusing way to worship him. Hindus worship many different gods and if asked, who is God? They will name off the god that the particular person worships. This is confusing to Christians because of the seemingly polytheistic viewpoint. So many Christians are left in doubt as to who the god of the Hindus is. They use many seemingly different forms in which to worship him. So do Hindus really have this polytheistic form of worship? To the H...

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Hinduism vs. Christianity. (1969, December 31). In MegaEssays.com. Retrieved 11:28, June 02, 2024, from https://www.megaessays.com/viewpaper/98911.html